Application process

Who can apply?

We’re looking for passionately Catholic young men and women who want to grow in their faith and become true disciples. Applicants must be non-married, practicing Catholics between the ages of 18 and 28, and have a high school diploma or GED equivalent before training begins in August of their missionary year.

What does serving as a NET Missionary mean?

Through training in discipleship and immersion in the Church fully-alive, NET Missionaries learn how to effectively share the Gospel, what it means to minister and live in community, and how to feel confident in their ability to share Jesus Christ with the world.

Missionaries spend nine months learning how to be missionary disciples through training and serving on a NET Team. Retreat teams travel within a particular region, proclaiming the Gospel to young people by giving talks, leading small groups, sharing their personal testimonies, and praying with thousands of young people. Discipleship teams share their faith daily within the same community, helping young people grow as disciples through leading small groups, mentoring youth one-on-one, and participating in the life of a parish or school in which they serve.

As a missionary, you will learn lifelong skills that will benefit any future vocation or career. Some of these are:

Developing a personal prayer life
Public speaking
Public speaking
What are the practicals?

Mid-August to Mid-May
2 weeks off at Christmas
All other holidays are spent with your team in the diocese you are serving. We work to have the entire team stay together with a missionary’s family if possible. You will not do ministry on the holiday.

Each missionary is responsible for:

Providing their own transportation to and from the NET Center in West Saint Paul, MN at the beginning, middle, and end of the year.
Raising $7,000-8,000 in personal support funds. (Learn more about this in the Logistics section below)

NET will cover all other expenses incurred while serving as a missionary (transportation to retreat sites, food, and housing).

What to bring

One backpack
One suitcase (provided by NET)
One sleeping bag and pillow
A more extensive list will be provided upon acceptance.
You may not bring any electronic devices besides your phone and a camera.
How do I apply?
Provide 3 references
Come to a Discernment Weekend
Sign your contract and become a NET Missionary
Why do I need to submit a picture?

Pictures are used for identification purposes only:

To identify those who are to be picked up at the airport, bus, or train stations for a Discernment Weekend.
As a reminder to staff after the interview weekend - pictures help us remember who you are as a person instead of just a name on a roster.
Do I have to be Catholic?

Yes. Since NET Missionaries are serving in Catholic parishes and schools, you do need to be a practicing Catholic who has received the sacrament of Confirmation.

I have never attended a retreat or discipled anyone. Can I still apply?

Absolutely. NET’s missionary training teaches you the necessary skills to carry out a retreat and discipleship ministry. All you need coming into training is a desire to share the Gospel.

What if I have a child or am divorced? 

These situations depend on the circumstance. Reach out to our Recruiting Coordinator, Amylia Bult at


NET Training

The first five weeks as a missionary are called Fall Training. Training is held both at the NET Center in West St. Paul, MN and at Camp Wapogasset in Amery, WI. Training starts with a focus on spiritual growth, then on ministry skills. Other training and supervision is provided throughout the year by NET Staff and Team Supervisors. As a missionary you will always have staff assigned to you who will check in with you, make sure you have everything you need, and can answer any questions you may have.

NET Teams

Where do they serve?
Each team will serve in different locations. Retreat Teams will travel to multiple communities, serving at parishes and schools in different dioceses across the United States, while Discipleship Teams will serve in one community.

How do teams travel from place to place?
Retreat Teams travel in a 12-14 passenger van with an attached trailer. Discipleship Teams generally travel in a minivan or two cars.

Where do teams stay?
Missionaries stay with generous Catholic families, singles, and communities we call “Host Homes.” Many Host Homes have housed NET Teams before (some for decades!), and others who are new are in good standing within the parish or school community that you will serve. 

Safety in Host Homes is a top priority. Missionaries always stay with at least one other missionary. Retreat Teams may stay with a new Host Home every night, while Discipleship Teams generally stay with one Host Home for two weeks at a time.


It costs about $60,000 to recruit, train, and send out each missionary for a year of service. To help cover the costs of training, meals, transportation, a monthly stipend, and other expenses, we ask each missionary to raise $7,000–8,000 in partnership funds. Every missionary who prays, plans, and executes the strategies we teach will easily reach or exceed their goal. Each missionary who raises a minimum of $7,000 is given a $150 monthly reimbursement.


NET offers medical insurance, but missionaries can also choose to stay on their own/parents’ insurance. If joining NET’s insurance, pre-existing conditions are excluded.

Music Training

What is Music Training?

NET has a charism of expressive and charismatic prayer. We believe that the Holy Spirit can move powerfully in our prayer and move us in our worship. We know that God has given us unique gifts, and we want to allow missionaries to foster those gifts and lead others closer to Jesus.

Any missionary can audition for Music Training, a week-long workshop that improves your practical skills and focuses on how to lead worship. 

At Music Training, musicians learn how to:

Read the Number System
Choose keys that suit your voice
Lead worship for small and large groups
Work with other musicians

More information about Music Training will be provided in your NET Missionary Welcome Packet, which you will receive upon signing a NET Missionary Contract. If you have questions about Music Training or the audition process, please email Megan Avila at